An Interview with a CCS Alumna - Kyle Hoover, Class of 2016

Dawn Snellenberger interviewed Class of 2016 alumnus Kyle Hoover.  Kyle is currently a sophomore at Liberty University in Virginia, and he is studying Special Education as his major.


I recently had the opportunity to connect with Kyle Hoover from the Class of 2016. Although Kyle now attends Liberty University, he still has a vested interest in the activities of Cornerstone.  Kyle recently heard about the health scare of our high school teacher, Mr. Jim Kirch. (Mr. Kirch noticed a lump in his neck that required surgery to determine its cause.) When Kyle heard about it, he immediately reached out to Mr. Kirch in support and prayer.  Soon afterwards, Mr. Kirch shared the testimony of Kyle’s kindness during faculty devotions, and I knew I needed to interview him!


Kyle began attending Cornerstone in the 6th grade because, according to his testimony, “I was not thriving behaviorally at the public school.”  His parents were familiar with CCS because they are both CCS alumni!  They thought it would be a better environment for their son, as they wanted a school that supported their Christian values. 


During his time at Cornerstone, Kyle developed a close bond with Mr. Kirch--in class and on the basketball court. In fact, Mr. Kirch had also taught and coached Kyle's parents! When Kyle's mother, Jodi (Duplin, Class of 1992), notified Kyle about Mr. Kirch's health concern, Kyle sprang into action. He contacted a fellow alumnus who is also attending Liberty, Isaac Rivera (Class of 2017), and told him they needed to pray for Mr. Kirch. They stopped then and there to petition the Lord for their teacher, mentor, and friend.


The next day, Kyle called Mr. Kirch by phone, because he wanted to encourage him before he went in for his surgery. Kyle also prayed with Mr. Kirch on the phone. Then Kyle organized a prayer team, and they intercededtogether for Mr. Kirch. Kyle was thankful to be at a Christian college where he was surrounded by others who also encouraged him in his faith!


On the day of his surgery, Mr. Kirch called Kyle back to tell him that his doctor had given a favorable report!  He thanked Kyle for his encouragement and prayer support.  When Kyle hung up the phone, he contacted his friends to also give them the good news.  He said they were all “hyped” and encouraged that God had heard their prayers.


As Kyle reflected on his time at Cornerstone, he said it was the relationships with teachers that made an impact on his life.  When he thinks about the critical developmental period of the middle and high school years, he is thankful for a Christian example like Mr. Kirch, who not only impacted him, but who has impacted hundreds of kids throughout his career!  Kyle knows that Mr. Kirch's influence will be felt for generations.  When I asked Kyle why he felt it was important to pray for Mr. Kirch, he said, “It was the least I could do for my friend and brother in Christ.” 


We are grateful when our graduates go out into the world and live out their faith!  It encourages us that we are accomplishing our mission!  Do you know an alumnus that we should highlight?  Please contact Dawn Snellenberger at!

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