Technology Program for Kindergarten Through 12th Grade
When it comes to technology in the classroom, our main goal is to enhance the curriculum and support student learning as appropriate to the age level. Our classrooms have student computers that can be used for independent practice and for research. A computer lab is located in the McLain Building and is available to all classes and teachers. Teachers often enhance the curriculum with presentations, videos and interactive activities presented with projectors.
Elementary Technology Courses
Our elementary classes receive project-based computer instruction. This instruction is primarily based on the units provided by TechnoKids. In Kindergarten through Grade 2 each classroom teacher presents whole group instruction once per week. The students then practice the new skills independently by using classroom computers throughout the day. Beginning in Grade 3 there is a strong emphasis on mastery of keyboarding skills. In Grades 3 to 5 the teacher provides weekly instruction in our computer lab, allowing the whole class to complete the lesson together.
Middle School Technology Courses
During each year of middle school (Grades 6-8), students take a technology course that meets for two periods per week. These courses also utilize the TechnoKids lessons to meet our goal of mastery of the basic Microsoft Office Suite by the end of Grade 8. Students also use the computers to complete a variety of class papers and projects. This allows the students to understand how technology can be applied to their course work.
High School Technology Courses
Each student must enroll in the high school computer class (0.5 credits) before graduation; this course is typically taken during the sophomore year. This course begins with a quick review of the Microsoft Office Suite. The goal is to ensure that the students are able to independently use these software programs to complete their high school coursework. The course then explores more advanced features of these programs as well as some additional programs. There is also a focus on understanding how computers and new technology are being used in a variety of careers. Typically this course concludes with the completion of a student-designed project which further explores a topic of the student's choosing.
“I love using computers, and I intend to build my future career around them. Until I came to Cornerstone, though, I had taught myself just about everything. This all changed when I expressed my interest in computers to my teachers at CCS. Immediately I was introduced to faculty members [who] were willing to share their own computer expertise with me. I learned how to practically apply my knowledge and use it for the glory of God in the real world. Now just a few years after I made the leap to Cornerstone I am happily involved in the sound teams during both my personal church’s services and during Wednesday chapels here at Cornerstone. Cornerstone has been such a blessing to me; I can’t wait to see what God has planned for [CCS] in the future.”
— Carter, CCS Class of 2018